Building your brand core

Studies have shown that brands with a purpose are not only more successful, but have an audience that is more loyal.

It helps motivate you to build your brand as well as make people connect to what it is you stand for as a brand.

What is your brand core?

Your brand core is the very first thing you should define when starting to build your brand. It consists of your mission, vision, values and purpose combining to form the direction of your future brand.

Your purpose

First things first, when building a brand core it is important to define the purpose of your business.

We’ll answer the question:
Why does your brand exist besides making money?

Your purpose is not a marketing tool and if you treat it as such it will not yield the best results for your brand.

Brands that are purpose driven have been proven to show higher ROI, higher market share and faster growth. Whether that comes from increased connection with an audience, more motivation, more focus or simply having the funds to invest in building a purpose has not been proven.

Download the workbook on how to build your brand core

A step by step guidebook on how to find your brand’s:

– Internal purpose
– Higher purpose
– Vision
– Mission
– Values

Includes cheat sheets of actionable words and business values.

Your brand vision

Your vision is where you want your brand to be.

It’s larger than a goal and if your vision is linked to a certain need within an industry, people will be instantly attracted to what you do as a brand. A vision is a great way to unify anybody that works on your brand.

Having a common goal to work towards is an amazing motivator.

Big, bold, audacious vision

A vision should be big, ambitious but still believable and attainable. 

A vision is best set at the highest possible level of the business to look at the overall growth and good of the company.
Your vision is there to guide your decisions and work towards a better future for your brand.

Your brand mission

There is often confusion about mission and vision statements.
The easiest way to look at them is like this:

Your vision is where you want to go.

Your mission are the commitments you make each and every day in order to reach that vision. But just like your vision, it is not a marketing tool. It helps you and your team define exactly what to do in order to reach our common goal.

A good brand mission is clear, concrete and easy to understand.

It’s important that your mission statement is different and unique but you must also realise the level of commitment it takes. Having a mission statement but not acting upon your commitments it is useless.

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